An abandoned hospital in Poland. I visited it during our trip in 2010.
This abandoned spot is located in southern Poland.
The Specialist City Hospital “Stalownik” located on the slope of Łysa Góra, in fact something intermediate between the sanatorium and the hospital, was established in the 1960s. The Beskid Calendar wrote about it in this way: “The facility consists of 5 wards with a total of 320 hospital beds, which are accommodated in 3-bed rooms. The sanatorium tower is one of the most modern facilities of this type in Poland.” Closed in 2001, when all departments were moved to the Provincial Hospital established in 1997, it was put up for sale. He did not find a buyer for a long time, and finally, in 2006 he was purchased by a private investor who started demolishing the building (their completion is planned until fawn 2007). However, the works were suspended by construction supervision, because demolition works were carried out without permission. Currently, the ruins of the building scare the whole area and it is sad to see what is left of the building, which was “the pride of the city” …