Sanatorium Libani
An abandoned sanatorium in Georgia. We visited it during our trip in May 2019.
The empire-style design was the work of architect M. Kalashnikov. The main building was 153 meters long and consisted of 3 floors.
The second floor of the building consisted of 80 rooms. It’s abandoned over 30 years.
Now building is clean inside, also blue walls in big sal are gone.
In our plan that was the last point where we are going during road back from Armenia.
The last point for our Belgium friends which were with us. Orginaly we should drive to sanatorium and later to Kutaisi. But our was back from Armenia was one big adventure for us. Maybe some day I’ll write some article on blog…
Finally road which should take us 6h took 12. We were in Kutaisi around 1AM, our friends had only few hours to plane.
When we left they on airport we decided to drove to sanatorium.