Huta Uthemann
An abandoned steel plant in Poland. I visited it during our trip in 2009.
Its beginnings date back to 1834 when Bergwerksgesellschaft Georg von Giesches Erben launched the “Wilhelmina” zinc smelter in Szopienice. After expansion, at the beginning of the 20th century, the smelter became the largest non-ferrous metal producer in Silesia and the largest cadmium production centre in the world. From 1972, it has been trading in the trade as “Szopienice” Non-Ferrous Metals Plant. In 2000, the steel mill, operating as a state-owned enterprise, was commercialized and the newly established joint-stock company became part of the Impexmetal SA capital group, and in 2005 it entered the structures of the Boryszew SA capital group.
On September 26, 2008, the General Meeting of Shareholders in Warsaw decided, by resolution, that Huta Metali Nieżelaznych “Szopienice” Spółka Akcyjna will be dissolved and the process of liquidation will commence. In November 2008 the court suspended the liquidation of the company at the request of the Treasury.