Aviation school
An abandoned aviation school in Germany. We visited it a few times during our trip to Germany. Well, know the old soviet location.
In 1992 the Russian army left this military domain in former East-Germany, ever since the buildings have been out of use. Before the Russians took over, in 1945, this place was used by the German air force, the “Luftwaffe”, to train pilots and engineers. In 1933 the air force school was built. The buildings were first used for the education of engineers and repairman of military aircrafts. Already in the first year, 1500 pupils were trained here. The first name of the school was “Technische Schule der Deutschen Verkehrsfliegerschule GmbH“ but soon changed to “Fliegertechnische Schule der Luftflotte 1”. Besides the main buildings, build in the form of an airplane and built in the national-socialist architecture, are there some work halls built from ferroconcrete. After the Polish occupation, the school is moved to Warsaw and made a place for the higher air-technical school. This “Höhere Fliegertechnische Schule” was accommodated before the move in Berlin-Adlershof.